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Thank you for your interest in joining The Henry Box School.
The Henry Box School is an academy which is part of The MILL Academy Trust which is its own admissions authority. The MILL Academy Trust has delegated the responsibility for admission arrangements to the Local Authority, Oxfordshire County Council for Year Groups 7 to 11.
Details on how to apply can be found via the Local Authority Website.
Or contact the Admissions Team on 01865 815175 or Email: admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk
The admission arrangements for the School can be found on this website via this link or on the Local Authority website via this link.
The designated area for The Henry Box School, includes the villages of Aston, Cote & Shifford, Curbridge and Ducklington.
A map of the designated area for The Henry Box School can be found via this link.
Sixth Form Admission
For details on Sixth Form admissions, please click here.
Transfer from Primary to Secondary School
Please visit our Transition pages for more information, please click here.
Moving or Transferring Schools
Sometimes students join the school at a different point in their school life, usually due to a house move. Visits to the school are welcome, prior to making a formal application. To arrange a visit or request further information, please contact the school office: tel. 01993 703955, email: office.4050@henrybox.oxon.sch.uk.
The Process for In-Year Admissions
Usually, places will be offered if there are places available in the year group (the number of children in the year group is less than the published Admission Number for the school).
Sometimes, it will not be possible to offer places even though there are less children in the year group than the Admission Number because the school has had to organise in a way that means the admission of a further pupil would cause prejudice to the efficient education of the children already there.
For admissions after a September intake i.e. In- year admissions if a year group has been undersubscribed and therefore staffing is established for a lower number of forms at the start of the academic year, the Trust reserves the right to refuse in-year admission applications which would require an additional class to be established and therefore the employment of additional teachers.
Admission Number
A Published Admission Number (PAN) is set for each year group that takes into account our capacity to offer and deliver an effective education for all students at our Trust schools. For admissions after September i.e. In- year admissions if a year group has been undersubscribed and therefore staffing is established for a lower number of forms at the start of the academic year, the Trust reserves the right to refuse in-year admission applications which would require an additional form to be established and therefore the employment of additional teachers.
The Henry Box School is part of the coordinated in-year admissions process for Oxfordshire. The scheme is published on the County Council’s public website: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/schools/apply-school-place/transferring-or-moving-school
Once an application is received, it will be submitted to the Trust's Admissions Panel for consideration. A decision will be communicated within 15 working days of the receipt of the application.
If we receive more applications than we have places, it may not be possible to offer a place. If we cannot offer places to all the children in our catchment area we will use our admissions rules to allocate the places.
All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code. The Trust will utilise the services of the Local Authority to assist with any appeals. Details of the procedure are available from the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) website and details of the procedure will be sent out with the response letter: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/schools/apply-school-place/school-appeals
A Statement on Flexi-Schooling
Since the pandemic, a small number of parents and carers have asked Trust Schools about Flexi-Schooling.
The parent or carer is responsible for ensuring their child receives full-time education at statutory school age. Where a parent or carer educates a child partly at school and partly at home or elsewhere as an expression of parental preference, this is called Flexi-schooling.
Flexi-schooling must not be confused with elective home education (EHE). Parents and carers have a legal right to choose to home-educate their child, but they do not have a legal right to insist on a flexi-schooling arrangement with a school. The discretion to allow Flexi-schooling rests with the Headteacher.
The MILL Academy Trust considers that a school is best placed to deliver the complex demands of the National Curriculum. Therefore, Headteachers within our Trust will not support requests for Flexi-Schooling arrangements.
About Us
- Headteacher's Welcome
- Affiliations
- Alumni
- Canteen
- Exam and Assessment Results and School Performance Tables
- Henry Box School Association (PTA)
- History of the School
- Local Committee
- Ofsted Report
- Our Trust: The MILL Academy
- Our Vision
- School Leadership Team
- Statutory Information
- Uniform