SEND Information Report 2024/25

This report sets out the Henry Box School's provision for students with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability). It is updated and published annually; it is in line with the guidelines set out in the SEND Regulations 2014, and the SEND Code of Practice provided by the DfE and DoH. You can also find a number of the school's policies relating to this provision here.

What kinds of SEND do we make provision for?

Here at HBS, we provide for students with a wide range of SEND. The main areas of SEND are:

  • Communication and interaction (C&I) needs; this may include students who have speech and language difficulties, those with ADHD and/or autism (ASC/D).
  • Cognition and learning (C&L) needs; including students with a range of learning needs and specific learning difficulties (SpLD), e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
  • Social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH). These could be anxiety, depression or other mental health issues which can often affect behaviour and progress in learning.
  • Sensory and/or physical needs; including students who have visual or hearing impairments or a physical disability that affects their learning.

How do we identify students with SEND and how are their needs assessed?

We will always contact parents/carers if we have a concern that a student may have a special educational need.

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) provides detailed guidance to support schools, "Identifying and supporting SEN in Oxfordshire schools and settings". Using this guidance, HBS has created a school referral and assessment procedure to help staff identify any needs that may be preventing progress.Decisions are then made, in consultation with families, about next best steps. The guidance provided by OCC and policies within school help shape any adaptations to teaching, interventions and reviews. We also use provision mapping to monitor and track a student's current provision and progress.

How do we consult parents/carers and students?

At HBS we place huge importance on the communication between school, parents and carers, and students. We aim to identify students' needs, plan appropriate provision for those needs and determine desired outcomes. At each stage, we keep in close contact with families, and adjust support and strategies accordingly.

We have regular SEND review meetings which allow parents and carers of students with SEND the opportunity to visit the school, chat to the team and ask any questions. Families and students can also contact the SEND team throughout the school year via email on, telephone or via the school website. 

Those students with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) receive regular support throughout school from our highly trained staff, and receive annual review meetings.

How is the curriculum adapted for SEND students?

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all students.  You can find curriculum information here. Sometimes adaptations to the curriculum or environment are required for students with SEND. You can view details of the school's Access policy and other policies here.

High quality teaching differentiated for individual students is the first step in responding to students who have or may have special educational needs.  The SENDCo works with teachers to provide information, training, strategies and guidance to support effective teaching of the school curriculum. To further this, we often liaise with external agencies.

Students may require something additional or different from what is available within the classroom.  We offer a range of support and interventions for students dependent on individual circumstances. From year 10 we offer the Study Plus programme. This is a bespoke, timetabled support programme for students who are doing 2 or 3 GCSE options. We offer fully supported, small group lessons, led by a specialist SEND teacher alongside another member of teaching staff. Our aim is that by 'doing less, better', there will be increased and improved focus on fewer subjects.

What expertise can we offer?

The school's leader for Inclusion is Mr Simon Hemsworth. Simon's role is to ensure that staff are supported in teaching pupils with additional needs, as well as teaching and mentoring groups of students herself.

The Inclusion team all work closely with each other and students to help with students' learning.


The Inclusion team also consists of: 

  • Highly qualified and experienced team of Teaching Assistants (TAs) 
  • School Health Co-ordinator
  • Librarian 
  • EAL teacher
  • SEND specialist teachers
  • Thrive Practitioner

Some students require alternative provision. This may mean accessing work experience or vocational training. This is organised through our Family Support Worker.

If you need any further information on SEND provision within HBS, please email Inclusion here or telephone the school on 01993 703955.

We also have access to a range of specialist support services including:

  • Educational Psychology Service

  • SENSS, who support children with communication and language, sensory and physical needs

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

  • Early Intervention Hub

  • Children’s Social Care

  • Oxfordshire Inclusion Team (OXSIT)

  • Therapy Services

How do we know if SEND provision is effective?

The progress of all students is tracked throughout the school through the progress review system.

In addition, for students with SEND we regularly review progress towards outcomes, assessing whether the support and interventions that have been put in place have made a difference and what we need to do next. Where appropriate, we evaluate this progress against age-related expectations.

When we run specialist intervention programmes for individuals or groups of students, we assess how successful they have been and use that information to decide on how best they are run in the future.

The school quality assurance process also evaluates the teaching of our SEN teachers. 

How are students with SEND helped to access activities outside the classroom?

All students are included in activities and trips following risk assessments where needed and in accordance with duties under the Equalities Act 2010.  We talk to parents, carers and students when planning trips so that everyone is clear about what will happen and to discuss any adjustments that might need to be made.

The school has a range of extra-curricular activities that are fully inclusive; please talk to your child’s tutor or House Leader for more information about what is available.

If you would like to know more about opportunities for children and young people with SEND and their families, support groups or information about SEND, these are listed in the Family Information Directory

Oxfordshire’s ‘Local Offer’ contains lots of information for parents/carers:

OCC Special Educational Needs and Disability: The Local Offer

Our school has contributed to the County’s ‘Local Offer’ through attendance at training workshops and through trialling of new guidance and systems.

What do we do to support the wellbeing of students with SEND?

All students have dedicated tutor time every day.  This is an opportunity to share views, ideas, achievements and challenges.  The Student and Family Support Team is also available to support students with any difficulties. 

We listen to the views of students with SEND by ensuring opportunities to talk to a trusted member of staff.  Peer mentoring is used to provide support where appropriate. Within school, there is a School Health Co-ordinator and a Thrive Practitioner and students can self-refer or be referred by any member of staff via their House Leaders. 

Our school health nurse is on hand to help support students with any medical needs, providing advice and information around a variety of health issues.

We take bullying very seriously. Issues related to bullying are discussed in tutor time, assemblies and through dedicated lessons.  You can view details of the school's Anti-bullying policy and other policies here.

Joining the school and moving on

We encourage all new students to visit the school before starting.  For students with SEND, we:

  • Work closely with primary partner schools throughout the whole transition process.

  • Attend meetings and reviews at primary school so that we understand the needs of individuals.

  • Arrange additional visits to school to meet relevant staff and gain confidence in the new school environment.

  • Encourage parents/carers to visit a variety of schools, to ensure a balanced perspective.

We begin to prepare SEND students for transition into the next stage of their education or training in a number of ways:

  • With their choices for GCSE and vocational courses - for example, in conversation with students and parents/carers. Also, through our Study Plus programme, as discussed earlier.

  • Through conversations with teachers, tutors, House Leaders, students and parents/carers when students are in Year 10 and Year 11.

  • Our SEND review meetings are an ideal opportunity to discuss upcoming exams and/or any appropriate Access Arrangements.

  • Close liaison with our in-school careers expert to ensure all students with SEND have guidance and support in appropriate guidance moving on to the next stage.

  • Work experience (one week at the end of Year 10 for all Year 10 students; more extended placements for carefully selected students based on their needs in preparation for adulthood and working life).

  • By focusing on outcomes that represent students' ambitions for education, training and adult life.  

Impartial advice and support on all issues affecting students’ education, including SEND provision, is given by SENDIASS. You can learn more about this service here.