Curriculum Overview

The Henry Box School Curriculum

Our Curriculum Principles


  • is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Please see our MILL Equality and Equity Policy for more information.

  • has the same academic ambitions for all learners. Students with high levels of special needs and/or disabilities will have an ambitious curriculum designed to meet their needs. Our Inclusion and SEND pages have further information.

  • extends beyond the academic by providing opportunities to develop and discover their interests and talents. Students are supported to develop their character and help them to know how to keep physically and mentally healthy – including resilience, confidence and independence.

  • ensures students study the full curriculum by teaching a full range of subjects for as long as possible, specialising only where necessary.

  • prepares students for life in modern Britain, equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society; developing their understanding of fundamental British values. All students will develop their understanding and appreciation of diversity, celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect.

  • is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Assessment is used to help learners to embed and use knowledge fluently, to check understanding and to inform teaching.

  • has a rigorous approach to the teaching of reading, writing and oracy that develops students’ confidence and enjoyment of learning.

Key Stage 3

Years 7, Year 8 and Year 9

Subjects: English, Maths, Science, Art, Design, Food, Textiles, Computing, Geography, History, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, Drama, Music, PE, French, German,  Personal Development, Careers Informantion, Advice and Guidance. All subjects are taught in mixed prior attainment groups except Maths. Maths is set by prior attainment and the groupings are responsive to the needs of the students. 


Key Stage 4 

There is a core programme of GCSE English Language, GCSE English Literature, GCSE Maths, GCSE Double Science Award or Separate Science Awards (2 GCSEs or 3), Religion, Philosophy and Ethics and Personal Development, again including Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG).


The majority of students also choose four option subjects from (GCSEs or equivalent): French, German, Design Technology, Art, Drama, Music, Geography, History, Media Studies, Religious Studies,  Physical Education, Business Studies, Child Development and Computer Science. 


We also facilitate three Personal Development days per year and there is one week of work experience for Year 10 students.


Post 16   

We have an extensive range of A Level courses on offer. Information can be found here:



Religious Studies and Assemblies

Religious Studies is taught in line with the S.A.C.R.E. guidelines.  These apply in all Oxfordshire schools.  Parents have the legal right to withdraw children from Religious Studies and from assemblies.  In practice, very few do so as our approach is to encourage students to think through issues and appreciate that there is a spiritual dimension to life. 


RELATIONSHIPS, Sex and Health Education (RshE) 

Our RSHE programme aims to complement and support the role of families.  In addition to providing an adequate knowledge of the basic facts of human sexuality, we aim to develop an appreciation of what responsible sexual behaviour entails.


While much of the factual information about sexuality is delivered through science courses in line with the National Curriculum requirements, a Personal, Social and Health Education programme encourages students to explore the moral and social implications in making relationships and of growing up.  The School Health Nurse, Mrs Megan Murdoch, as a health professional, is available to advise students if so requested.


Fuller details of the Relationships, Sex and Health Education programme are available via this website.  Families have the right to withdraw their children from sex education other than that prescribed by the National Curriculum science syllabuses.


Information Technology

The school has excellent computer facilities and a programme for developing ICT skills runs across all years.  Much of this is delivered within subject teaching and is supplemented by specific ICT lessons. 


Further Information

For detailed subject information please see our Subject Information pages.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum please contact the school. Phone 01993 703955 or email



What is a supra-curricular activity? A supra-curricular activity is something you pursue outside of your normal schoolwork which is still related to your academic interests. They could include reading books or magazines, watching films or documentaries or visiting a place or an event that is connected to your studies. For example, if you’re interested in History, you might read a book about the Tudors after school or if you want to study Biology, you might listen to the New Scientist podcast every week.

Supra curricular activities