


As we want everyone associated with The Henry Box School to be proud of its achievements, we believe that a visual sense of belonging to a community is important, and, to this end, we require that school uniform is worn by our students in Years 7-11. Parental support is vital in this and we hope that the uniform is both practical and reasonable. By choosing The Henry Box School, it is assumed that both parents and students are accepting our insistence on the wearing of school uniform.


It is important that all items of uniform are named. When named items of uniform are handed into Lost Property students will be notified to collect them from Reception.

Uniform for Years 7 - 11 can be ordered through Stevensons. This can be done online, by phone or in store.  Please visit Stevensons webpage to view and order uniform. 

Click here to visit Stevensons website to order uniform

Stevensons ordering information

Click here to purchase second hand uniformAny items that are purchased from an alternative provider must be identical in appearance. 


If a student arrives at school wearing the incorrect uniform, families may be contacted to bring in their correct uniform into school. To avoid disruption to learning, in some cases, washed and clean uniform may be loaned out for students to wear. We also reserve the right to send students home, with parental or guardian permission to get changed.


Nearly new, second-hand uniform sales and donations

We, as a school and part of the community, are extremely proud of everything we are doing to reduce, reuse, recycle and therefore are attempting more and more to organise second-hand uniform for sale. The sale of second-hand items is managed by our dedicated HBSA (Henry Box School Association) team.

Uniformd - online platform to purchase second-hand uniform

Uniformd is a platform where families can purchase donated second-hand uniform at a fraction of the price. All funds from second-hand sales go directly back to HBSA for school use.

Click here to visit the website to see what items are available. Once you have purchased uniform someone from HBSA will be in contact about collection.


If you have any uniform you wish to donate to the school for second-hand sales, this can be left with Reception and will be greatly appreciated. We accept outgrown good quality uniform that is laundered. We reserve the right to refuse any item of clothing that is not of suitable condition. Such items will be recycled or donated to charity.

Lost property

Below is a summary of how lost property is dealt with at The Henry Box School.  When students lose property, they should visit and look in the classroom or area where they believe the property was left.  If they do not find their property they should then go to Reception.   

Lost property that is handed in and is not labelled will be held until the end of each respective term.  At the end of each term ALL unclaimed lost property will be donated, disposed of or passed to Second-hand uniform Sales.   

Please ensure your child’s uniform, pencil case and other valuable items are clearly labelled.


Thank you to Charles Clinkard in Witney who kindly donated approved school shoes for our mannequins in the Reception area of school.

HBS School uniform

HBS uniform imageThe Main School Uniform

School V-neck jumper with HBS crest* This is central to our uniform and all Year 7 to 11 students must wear this.
School tie* This is compulsory for all Year 7 to 11 students. The tie is consists of traditional school colours of blue and red with a House stripe to show allegiance to one of our four Houses.
Trousers Trousers can be worn by all students; they should be black suit-style trousers. Trousers must be pulled up to the waist.Trousers - Black suit trousers. We would like to remind you that stretch material trousers are NOT permitted
Shorts Shorts can be worn by all students; they should be black tailored shorts and be knee length. Shorts must be pulled up to the waist. Skinny-fit,  cargo, sports or jean-style shorts are NOT permitted. Shorts may be worn over tights or with socks.

Skirts can be worn by all students; they must be just above the knee (7cm from the knee) and black. Only skirts with a pleat may be worn. Stevensons will be selling box pleat skirts, but the school will accept any type of pleated skirt. Skirts can be purchased from local high street shops or supermarkets. Stretch material skirts are NOT permitted.

Shirt White formal long or short sleeved “school shirt”. Vests or T-shirts can be worn under the shirt but must be plain white, and shirts must be tucked in unless it is a fitted formal shirt with a collar.
Socks Plain, white/black ankle socks only. Knee length socks are not permitted. Socks over tights are not permitted.
Tights Plain, black only. Students may like to consider bringing a spare pair in their bags in case of ladders. Socks over tights are not permitted.
Belts These should be black with a plain, reasonably-sized buckle and thin enough to go through standard trouser loops. Belts of excessive width are unacceptable.

Black, plain, leather or leather style, with black laces, low-heeled, of a sensible design, practical and ideally weatherproof. Trainers and canvas shoes are permitted but must be plain black. School shoes must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be shoes (not boots or plimsolls)
  • Must be all black including the logo, sole, laces, tongue, stitching.
  • No mid/high tops
  • No high platform trainers

* Only available from www.stevensons.co.uk/school-finder/the-henry-box-school-witney


Summer uniform 

Families will be notified by the school when the Summer uniform comes into place.

Students are not required to wear a tie. Shirts (blouses) must be tucked in. Knee length shorts are permitted all year round. Black tights or plain white/black ankle socks only. Knee length socks are not permitted. Socks over tights are not permitted

In cases of extreme temperatures, a decision may be made to allow students to wear their Henry Box School PE kit. If this decision is made, communication will be sent to all families in advance. Students will not be permitted to wear their PE kit to school as uniform unless communication has been sent to families.


Additional Items and Other Uniform Rules

Coats, Jackets and Hoodies

The school would prefer students to wear weatherproof coats/jackets.  Hoodies, jumpers or denim coats/jackets are not permitted.  Students found wearing any of these will have them confiscated until the end of the day.

Scarves and hats

These may be worn in poor weather conditions outdoors. 
Baseball caps are not permitted.

Head coverings If a student wishes to wear a head covering such as a hijab, turban or durag for faith or cultural reasons, this must be plain black.
Drama socks Students are asked to bring in anti-slip socks for their Drama lessons. If they do not bring them in then they will be required to borrow some.

Earrings and piercings: One small ear stud per ear is allowed but studs or rings in other parts of the body are not permitted. It is not acceptable to have items of jewellery covered by a plaster. All piercings need to be removed during sports and other activities if requested by a member of staff.

Students can wear one flat ring per each hand and a small crucifix or similar.

Students may wear total of two bracelets/bangles (either one on each wrist or two on one).

Students may wear a wristwatch, but if seen to be a significant disruption to learning they will be confiscated until the end of the day.

Hair dye/style 

Only hair dyed a natural colour is permitted. Students may be removed or sent home until the hair has been restored to a natural colour. The school reserves the right not to accept a hairstyle which may make a poor impression.

Make-up Only discreet make-up is accepted.
False eyelashes are not permitted.
Nails Nail extensions, gels, acrylics and coloured nail varnish are not allowed.


HBS PE Uniform

HBS PE uniform imagePE/Games Kit

All students are given the opportunity to take part in a wide range of physical activities. In the interests of safety, students need to be dressed appropriately for these activities whilst still retaining an identity with the school and also being neat and tidy in appearance. The PE kit allows our students some choice in what they can wear for lessons whilst at the same time retaining uniformity but, more importantly, they can be suitably dressed for specific activities indoors and outside, whatever the conditions.

Students who need to wear spectacles for PE/Games are asked to consider obtaining toughened lens glass for safety.

Compulsory items:

Red polo shirt with HBS crest* A fitted option is also available
Short Navy or Black (Discreet logo)
Skort Navy or Black. Students may prefer to opt for a skort instead of shorts and item does not need to be purchased in addition to shorts
Tracksuit Bottoms Navy or Black (Discreet logo) 
Sports Socks  
Shin pads For Football and Hockey 
Gum shield For Rugby and Hockey 
Sports Trainers Any colour but must be non-marking
Football/Rugby Boots

For Football and Rugby

Optional items:

Navy/Red knee length socks*  
HBS Crested Midlayer microfleece*


We thoroughly recommend purchasing this garment, as it is an excellent extra layer for cold conditions. 

Performance leggings

Navy or Black.

Performance leggings should not be purchased as a substitute for either school shorts or skort. Only quality sporting leggings are permitted. If students opt to wear leggings they are required to wear shorts or a skort over the top. If items are branded, the logo must be small and discreet.  

Tights or fashion leggings are NOT permitted 

Leggings Guidance

HBS Navy/Red reversible multi sports top*  

* Only available from Stevensons

HBS Shoe guidance

HBS shoe poster 2024