Year 7 Residential Trip

Year 7 Oakerwood residential photos 2024 - Churchill and Redgrave


Year 7 Oakerwood residential photos 2024 - Newton and Nightingale



Year 7 residential logoThe Year 7 residential will take place in July. It is a three day residential and students will either attend Monday to Wednesday or Wednesday to Friday. 

Students will attend in their house groups. Two house groups will go together for either of the three days.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate for any students to go on this trip outside of their house.

Every December we hold a Santa Run for Year 7 to fundraise for their Year 7 residential. This marks the start of discussions and excitement of the Year 7 residential. Any profits made from the run subside the costs of the residential which every Year 7 has the chance to attend in the following July.

Year 7 Santa run - Residential fundraising event

Summary of the week:

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

8:00am arrival at school

11:00am approximate arrival time at Oaker Wood


Two activites

Pack bags


One activity

Lunch  BYO packed lunch Lunch Lunch 

Two activities

Three activities

One activity

2:30pm depart Oaker Wood

5:00pm approximate arrival time back to school

Evening Dinner and games or Talent Show Dinner and games or Talent Show


A few things to note for arriving on Day 1

  • 8:00am to the canteen

  • A packed lunch is required, with a bottle of water for the day

  • Medication should be clearly labelled with students name and dosage and time instructions clear. These should be passed on to the trip Nurse or Tutor (including paracetamol)

  • Asthma inhalers and epipens to stay with the student


Any updates on variances to this time will be posted the Henry Box School Facebook page.


At Oaker Wood Leisure, Herefordshire

Oakerwood logo

Follow this link and scroll down to access video tour of Oaker Wood

Montage L

An Education Secretary once quoted:

"Every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom. It is an essential part of learning and personal development… These experiences can literally change lives”

  • Being away from home, trying new things, gaining confidence, making new friends, being more self-reliant, being encouraged to grow, being independent.

  • A chance to shine outside of the classroom, away from the traditional curriculum

  • Unique opportunity for students to spend time getting to know their peers and staff even better

  • A treasured experience, that's talked about and remembered

"Ethan enjoyed his residential. It gave him confidence in himself."


"Great trip! Children could feel a bit of independence. Wonderful adventure, I am happy that my son could go there."


"Shannon had a wonderful time on the residential, thoroughly enjoyed herself. All the activities that she took part in, she said she had fun with her friends, teachers and staff."


"Now, almost 5 days later, and we are still coming out with something that happended whilst being on the residential."


Living at the glamping villages and being away from home:

Accommodation at Oaker Wood Leisure is made up of two Glamping Villages. Each village is set amongst mature trees and positioned in a beautiful secluded spot overlooking the sun setting over the Welsh mountains. Designed to give a wilderness feel without removing too many of your creature comforts. The beds will have a bed linen sheet but students will be required to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Except for the first packed lunch on Day 1, all meals are supplied by Oaker Wood. Each morning is a hearty breakfast to set students up for the day, lunches are packed lunches as the students are on the go for days 2 and 3 and each evening students will have an evening meal. A vegetarian option is offered for every meal. Please inform the school of any dietary requirements that your child may have and these will be accommodated whilst away. 

Motage outdoor

Motage outdoor 2

Img 6073Hygiene is very important over these three days, as the students are very active. Students will be encouraged to shower daily, change their clothes and clean their teeth, just as they would at home. Please no spray deodorants as they can be known to set of fire alarms.

We suggest bringing old clothes as we have had years with lots of rain and mud and other years of heat and lots of sweating! Clothes should be comfortable and suitable for outdoor activities, please see the kit list. Designer clothes are best left at home, as they may never be the same after this residential!

Students are asked not to bring anything of any value; they will be responsible for their own belongings.  No mobile phones please, we want to encourage friendships and engagement in the planned events. Also, staff who have worked at other schools report no end of problems in dormitories with people awake through the night on their phones.  Students will need a good night’s sleep to get the most out of the daily activities.  If students are discovered with mobile phones they will be confiscated and returned at school. Please support us with this.

Some students may worry about homesickness, this is totally normal, although we have found that most students are too busy with activities to worry.  Please be assured that hearing nothing from them is a good thing, if there are problems our leaders will contact you. 

Cabin photos

Daily Facebook updates from the staff will come through; these are usually in the evening after all are settled. Reception is not the most reliable in the area and sometimes staff struggle to upload lots of pictures.

  FB Logo sml  Instagram sml

Staff with each group carry a school mobile phone in case of emergencies, if you need to contact your child urgently please contact the school and a message will be sent to staff to contact you back.

Equipment / Kit:

Please see below for link

Behaviour and expectations:

  • Follow teachers’ instructions at all times

  • Arrive at meeting points punctually

  • Behave appropriately during meal times

  • Wear seat-belts on the coach at all times

  • Behave appropriately in the castle grounds and public places

  • Complete Oaker Wood diary

School policy is to monitor student’s behaviour on trips. If it’s unacceptable students may not be allowed on future trips.  Should your child’s behaviour be unsatisfactory or unsafe parents will be contacted, if necessary parents may be asked to come and collect their child. This has happened very rarely but I have to say it, just in case!).


Website Links: 


Year 7 Residential Date  
Year 7 Residential kit list 17th Mar 2025 Download
Year 7 Santa run Sponsor form 17th Mar 2025 Download