Year 6-7 summer work


Summer Geography Project:

We would like you to send us a postcard this summer.  Whatever you are doing near or far we would like you to tell us about your adventures.  You can buy a postcard, or take a picture and print the picture or draw us a picture.  What ever you do you need to write some information onto the back of the postcard to tell us some geographical information:

·         Where have you been?

·         What has been fun about the place or thing you are doing?

·         What is the environment like (you can talk about people, landscapes, weather, buildings, cities or countryside)?


You can post your card to us over the summer, address it to ‘The Geography Department’ or bring it to your Geography lessons in September.  You can find out more about the project on the Henry Box School website plus our school address.

Year 6 Reading list