Transition from Year 6 to Year 7

MASTER transition logo transitionAt The Henry Box School we work hard to provide care, guidance and support for children and their families during their transition from primary to secondary school. 



Mrs Hyde

Transition Lead

Miss Westwood

Transition Lead


Let us introduce ourselves: We are Annie Hyde and Amy Westwood, The Henry Box School School Leaders for Transition. 

It is normal for all children to feel both excited and nervous about the transition to “big school”. Our transfer programme aims to support them as they approach this change in their lives, and to ensure that they arrive in the September of their Year 7 full of excitement and with a sense of belonging. 


We look forward to welcoming you to The Henry Box School and will be pleased at any time to discuss the many educational and other opportunities provided for our students and the community we serve. 




Open evening is held during September every year and takes place usually between 4:00pm and 7:00pm. We engourage familes to come and look around the school and talk to our range of departments, teachers and students.  

We also offer Talk and Tour sessions, run by our dedicated School Leaders - a personalised tour around the school for a family. These provide a way to introduce the site to prospective Year 6 families and an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have. We love to show prospective students and families the school. 

31 October: Secondary school application closing date. Each year this is the closing date for families to submit their applications. 


3 March: Secondary school offer day. Each year, this is the date that families are told where their child will attend secondary school. Once you have accepted your place, you will receive a welcome letter and an enrolment pack. This is the beginning of your child’s journey with The Henry Box School! 


Family information session: Thursday 8 May - May 4.30-6.30pm

We will be holding a transition information evening for families to come in and find out about life at The Henry Box School. There will be a variety of information stands and lots of staff around to answer all your questions.

Late May and June

Our Transition Co-ordinator and a member of our Learner Engagement Team will visit every primary school that has children coming up to us. Where possible, we’ll also bring some of our current Year 7 students. Our Year 7s will talk to the Year 6 children, answer their questions and generally provide a ‘students’ eye’ view of the whole process.

Next, we’ll meet your child’s Year 6 teacher and ensure we discuss each individual child’s needs. Part of the enrolment process asked children to give the names of up to three friends they feel comfortable with – and we will try to place every child with at least one of these friends. However, we do follow the primary teachers’ recommendations about which children work well together and which may be better apart. If a child is coming alone from his/her primary school, or is coming without particular friends, we will try to ensure that we place him/her with someone in a similar situation who may also share similar interests.


Transition Days: We invite all our new Year 7 students to school for three days. They will meet the other children in their tutor groups, sample lessons, tour the school and generally begin to become acclimatised.

September: Starting Year 7

Your child will arrive in September knowing their tutor, their tutor group and their way around the school. 


We look forward to welcoming you to The Henry Box School and will be pleased at any time to discuss the many educational and other opportunities provided for our students and the community we serve. 

Year-7-transition-reading list


Contact Us 

Transition Co-ordinator: Annie Hyde/Amy Westwood

Transition Team: Please email with any queries you may have. 

If you would like to discuss how we can help your child with a specific learning need, please contact our Inclusion team: