Tutor Day Programme

Year 7

8:50am to 10:15am

Upon your arrival, please go to the location that corresponds with your child’s house, where you will be met by your child’s tutor: 

Families will be asked to arrive for 8:50am, where they will meet their child’s tutor before being taken to their tutor room to go through the welcome presentation. Students and families will have the opportunity after the welcome presentation to speak privately with tutors, if they wish to do so. For those who do not wish to meet privately with tutors, the morning should be complete by 9:30am. For students and families who would like to meet tutors privately, the morning will be finished by 10:15am at the very latest.  



Years 8 to 11:

To book your appointments, please visit the school’s website or follow this link https://henryboxschool.schoolcloud.co.uk/. You will need the following information to login and book appointments:


Year 12:

8:30am - Meet in the Canteen


Year 13:

One to one session with your tutor. Emails will be sent to your school email address.